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AMYGDALA is more than just a publication

I created this magazine for many reasons, but mostly because there was no professional publication for our profession. Now we have a place where every SNA can not only contribute to monthly editions but can also find helpful information about Special Education. AMYGDALA is created by an SNA for SNAs. The magazine has many benefits, starting from exploring all aspects of special education through professional and personal development. As I am passionate about special education and inclusion, I would like to share my own knowledge and experience with other important experts, to provide the best possible solutions for SNAs working with children with additional needs. This magazine will show SNAs how they can help children overcome barriers in education. AMYGDALA shares resources, strategies, knowledge and provides practical information.

magda amygdala

AMYGDALA is more than just a publication

I created this magazine for many reasons, but mostly because there was no professional publication for our profession. Now we have a place where every SNA can not only contribute to monthly editions but can also find helpful information about Special Education. AMYGDALA is created by an SNA for SNAs. The magazine has many benefits, starting from exploring all aspects of special education through professional and personal development. As I am passionate about special education and inclusion, I would like to share my own knowledge and experience with other important experts, to provide the best possible solutions for SNAs working with children with additional needs. This magazine will show SNAs how they can help children overcome barriers in education. AMYGDALA shares resources, strategies, knowledge and provides practical information.

Where Passion Meets Special Education

The purpose of this magazine is to provide a platform for sharing knowledge and resources among those working with individuals with special needs. Through this publication, I hope to create a community of professionals who are better equipped to provide quality care and support to those with additional needs. This magazine will feature articles written by experts in the field, advice from experienced professionals, profiles of successful special needs assistants, interviews with families of those with special needs, news on the latest advances in the field, and updates on government and industry regulations. I believe that by connecting and educating those working with students with special needs, we can create a better future for those with disabilities.

Sharing Knowledge

Building Communities


Inspiring SNAs, Transforming Lives,
Creating Possibilitie



AMYGDALA provides articles for professional development but also for personal development like:

  • Wellness Zone
  • Travel Zone
  • Fashion Zone for Women and Men
  • Books Zone
  • Healthy Zone

I hope you will enjoy reading the magazine as I put my heart and soul into this magazine! The first edition is dedicated to all children I have worked with since I came to Ireland (2008).

About Editor

Magdalena Landziak is the editor of AMYGDALA – the First National Magazine for Special Needs Assistants in Ireland. She is an inspiring leader and advocate for children and young adults with special educational needs. With her extensive experience in the field, she is dedicated to providing readers with quality content and resources that are informative and beneficial. Magdalena is passionate about empowering those with special needs and inspiring others to make a difference. She is working as an SNA in a primary school in Co. Limerick for over 7 years. She has experience with working in a Special Class (ASD), Early Intervention Class and Mainstream. During her career she was providing support to students with special needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, GLD, ODD, Down Syndrome, Physical Disabilities, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, medical conditions (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Transposition, Glaucoma, Epilepsy).

She loves her job more than anything else and she loves sharing her knowledge and experience with fellow SNAs, teachers, educators and parents. She has a teaching background from Poland and over 15 years of experience in the educational sector including Special Ed. She was delivering trainings to Tralee Education Centre, Le Chéile Online Learning and currently Dublin West Education Centre. She is currently doing her Masters degree in Inclusive Education and SEN at the University of Essex.
We are proud to have her as an integral part of our team!

About Magazine

The benefits of reading AMYGDALA

Stay Up to Date on the Latest Special Ed Trends: Reading a professional magazine will provide you with the latest trends, research, and best practices in the field of Special Education.

Learn New Strategies for working with Individuals with additional needs: With the ever-changing landscape of special needs assistance, staying up to date on the latest strategies and approaches is essential. By reading a magazine for Special Needs Assistants, you will gain insight into new strategies and techniques for working with individuals with additional needs.

Stay Informed of Professional Development Opportunities: We are providing information about upcoming conferences and other professional development opportunities. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can expand your knowledge and skills in the field of Special Education.

Develop Your Empathy and Understanding of Special Needs: By reading about the experiences of individuals with additional educational needs, you can gain a greater understanding of their challenges and needs.

Develop the Understanding of the profession by reading ‘The Not-so Secret Diary of an SNA’’.

Network with Other Professionals: The magazine provides an opportunity to network with other professionals in the field. Through networking, you can learn from the experiences of other professionals, as well as make connections that can further your career.

Editorial Policy

Our editorial policy is to provide our readers with quality content that is accurate, informative, and engaging. We strive to maintain a standard of excellence in our articles and take great care to ensure that our content is free of bias and reflects a variety of perspectives. We also adhere to a strict code of ethics and strive to ensure that our content is respectful and appropriate. We are open to feedback and constructive criticism. We commit to fact-checking and verifying sources. We have a clear and transparent disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest. We provide a commitment to upholding the highest standards of journalism. Finally, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our readers and protecting their personal information.

Publication Board

As this is a quite new Irish run publication, which was established in 2022 the function of the Editor-in-Chief of AMYGDALA is held by Magdalena Landziak. She is also a Copy & Art editor, and she is responsible for proofreading and editing the content of the publication. She works closely with authors of the articles to ensure that the final version of the article is accurate and of the highest quality. The editorial assistant is Natalia Landziak. When it comes to Public Relations, Advertising, Legal Advice the editor is using outside agencies, which can be sourced on request.

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